의료진 소개

유솜마취통증의학과 의료진

대표원장 신유솜

대한통증학회 고위자 세부 전문의
의학박사/마취통증의학 전문의

전)고신대학교 복음병원 마취통증의학과 교수
전)서울대학교병원 통증센터 전임의
전)서울대학교병원암센터 전임의

대한마취통증의학과 정회원
대한통증학회 정회원
대한통증연구학회 정회원
대한척추통증학회 정회원
대한노인마취통증학회 정회원
대한정맥마취학회 정회원
대한뇌신경마취학회 정회원
대한마취약리학회 정회원
대한이식마취학회 정회원
대한노인병학회 정회원
대한비만학회 정회원
대한기능의학회 정회원
미국통증학회(AAPM) 정회원

전)대한통증학회 위원
전)부산·울산·경남 통증학회 이사
대한통증학회지 심사위원
고신의대학술지 심사위원
Journal of intensive care 심사위원
Professional Activities
Professional Committees

As a reviewer for several journals
2014 ~ Kosin Medical Journal
2016 ~ Korean Journal of Pain
2018~ Journal of Intensive Care
2019~ Acute and Critical Care

Institutional Committees
Kosin University College of Medicine: Assistant Coordinator of Problem Based Learning (PBL), Academic Advisor

Invited Lectures and Presentations
2019.11 Invited Lecture and poster Presentation, KPS 2019 annual meeting (international)
2019.06 Poster Presentation, Pneumo Update Europe 2019, Budapest, Hungary
2019.02 Invited Lecture and poster Presentation, the 37th Kyushu Pain Society Meeting, Nagasaki,Japan
2018.11 Invited Lecture, Koreanesthesia 2018, South Korea
2018.09 Invited Lecture, the 35th Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2018.03 Invited Lecture, the 34th Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2017.11 Invited Lecture, the 65th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, South Korea
2017.11 Invited Lecture, Koreanesthesia 2017, South Korea
2017.09 Invited Lecture, the 33rd Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2017.05 Invited Lecture, the 64th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, South Korea
2017.03 Invited Lecture, the 32nd Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2016.11 Invited Lecture, the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists,
South Korea
2016.04 Invited Lecture, 2016 Korean Pain Society Ultrasound Workshop, South Korea
2016.03 Invited Lecture, the 30th Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2015.10 Invited Lecture, 2015 Three Southern Provinces Meeting of the Korean Pain Society
2015.04 Invited Lecture, 2015 Korean Pain Society Ultrasound Workshop, South Korea
2014.11 Poster Presentation, the 59th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, South Korea
2014.11 Poster Presentation, 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology
in conjunction with the 91th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of
Anesthesiologists, South Korea
2014.06 Invited Lecture, 2014 Three Southern Provinces Meeting of the Korean Pain Society
05/2014: Oral Presentation, the 58th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, South Korea
2013.08 Invited Lecture, the 25th Meeting of the BusanUlsanGyeongnam Pain Society,
South Korea
2012.11 Poster Presentation, the 55th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, South Korea
2012.04 Oral Presentation, 13th Cadaver Workshop & Real Patient Demonstration in Pusan National University

Research Grants

Completed Research Support
The effect of nerve block alone or with zinc on wound healing in a rat model of diabetic foot ulcer. 2014~2016
It was funded entirely by the Kosin University College of Medicine to investigate effects of nerve block alone or with zinc on wound healing in a rat model of diabetic foot ulcer.

1. An TH, Shin YS, Kim JW , Park TW , Shim DJ , Kim DS , Ryu SJ , Kim JD. Effect of the lateral tilt position on femoral vein cross-sectional area in anesthetized adults. Anesth Pain Med. 2019;14:106-111.
2. Kang D, Lim C, Shim DJ, Kim H, Kim JW, Chung HJ, Shin Y, Kim JD, Ryu SJ. The relationship of heart rate between natural sleep and dexmedetomidine sedation. Korean J Anesthesiol 2019;72:164-168.
3. Kim JD, Cheng CC, Shim DJ, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Shin Y. Intraoperative cardiopulmonary collapse despite prophylactic anticoagulation for thromboembolism. Med Biol Sci Eng 2018;1:61-64.
4. Kung HC, Cheng CC, Kang DH, Jeong HJ, Shin Y, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Kim KH, Kim JD. The effects of loading dose administration rate of dexmedetomidine on sedation and dexmedetomidine requirement in elderly patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. Anesth Pain Med 2018;13:264-270.
5. Jeong HJ, Kung HC, Park TW, Kang DH, Shin YS, Kim JD. Anaphylaxis occurred immediately after prophylactic antibiotics injection with negative intradermal skin test during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Kosin Med J 2018;33:245-251.
6. Kim JD, Kim JW, Kung HC, Kang JH, Shin HY, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Kim KH. Hemodynamic Effects of Co-administration of Midazolam during Anesthesia Induction with Propofol and Remifentanil in Hypertensive Patients. Kosin Med J 2017; 32: 36-46.
7. [SCIE] Kim SS, Kim CH, Kim JW, Kung HC, Park TW, Shin YS, Kim JD, Ryu S, Kim WJ, Choi YH, Song KS. Airborne particulate matter increases MUC5AC expression by downregulation Claudin-1 expression in human airway cells. BMB Rep 2017;50:516-521.
8. [SCIE] Jeong W, Kung H, Cheng CC, Lim C, Jung MJ, Lee J, Kim DS, Shin Y. Dexmedetomidine to help nerve regeneration in a rat sciatic nerve injury model. Pain Res Manag 2017;2017:9045608.
9. [SCIE] Kung HC, Park TW, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Shin Y. Has subcutaneous botulinum toxin A been prioritised for a painful skin in an elderly patient with post-herpetic neuralgia? Hong Kong J Dermatol Venereol 2017; 25:179-181.
10. Shin Y. Morphine as a suspect of aiding the propagation of cancer cells. Kosin Med J 2017;32:164-169.
11. [SCIE] Shin Y, Park TW, Kim JW, Jung MJ, Park HB. The effect of nerve block alone or with zinc on wound healing in a rat model of diabetic foot ulcer. Biomedical Research 2017; 28:3222-3227.
12. [SCIE] Jeong JY, Kim J, Kim B, Shin Y, Kim J, Ryu S, Yang YM, Song KS. IL-1ra Secreted by ATP-Induced P2Y2 Negatively Regulates MUC5AC Overproduction via PLCβ3 during Airway Inflammation. Mediators Inflamm 2016;2016:7984853.
13. [SCIE] Kim DW, Kang JH, Shin HY. Ultrasound-guided trigeminal nerve block: A new technique via the pterygopalatine fossa. Neurology Asia 2015;20:101- 102.
14. Kim JH, Kim BK, Kim DW, Shin HY, Yu SB, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Kim KH, Jang HK, Kim JD. Effect of Propofol on microRNA Expression Profile in Adipocyte-Derived Adult Stem Cells. Chonnam Med J 2014;50:86-90.
15. Shin HY, Kim DW, Kim JD, Yu SB, Kim DS, Kim KH, Ryu SJ. Paradoxical carbon dioxide embolism during laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a cause of cardiac arrest and neurologic sequelae: a case report. Korean J Anesthesiol 2014;67:425-428.
16. Lee JG, Park HB, Shin HY, Kim JD, Yu SB, Kim DS, Ryu SJ, Kim GH. Effect of Trendelenburg position on right and left internal jugular vein cross-sectional area. Korean J Anesthesiol 2014;67:305-309.
17. Shin HY, Park JK, Park SK, Jung GS, Choi YS. Variations in Entrance of Vertebral Artery in Korean Cervical Spine: MDCT-based Analysis. Korean J Pain 2014;27:266-270.
18. Kim HJ, Park SH, Shin HY, Choi YS. Brachial Plexus Injury as a Complication after Nerve Block or Vessel Puncture. Korean J Pain 2014; 27:210-218.
19. Kim JD, Lee JG, Kim SS, Shin HY. A Case of Lead Migration Caused by Involuntary Movement in Implanted Spinal Cord Stimulation. Kosin Med J 2014;29:69-73.
20. Shin HY, Kim SS, Kim DS. Superficial cervical plexus block for management of herpes zoster neuralgia in C3 dermatome: a case report. J Med Case Rep 2014;8:59.
21. Shin HY, Park SY, Kim HY, Jung YS, An S, Kang DH. Symptomatic Hallucal Interphalangeal Sesamoid Bones Successfully Treated with Ultrasound-guided Injection: A case report. Korean J Pain 2013;26:173-176.

Book (Korean Version)
Atlas of Image-Guided Spinal Procedures – Furman
Atlas of Image-Guided Intervention in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2/E - Rathmell
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